Simple LED Blink Program Here I'm explained my first register level coding, It is awesome and it's make me much more understand about how the microcontroller is working, I'm still learning, so here I'm sharing what I understood. Are you ready for this then let's go Arduino language Blink program This is simple Blink program without using any functions!. Take a look at the code the same code is converting to register level unsigned long counter = 0 ; // initializing counter variable and set to 0 void setup ( ) { pinMode ( LED_BUILTIN , OUTPUT ) ; // set 13th pin LED as output Serial . begin ( 9600 ) ; // initializing Serial communications } void loop ( ) { counter ++ ; //increment the counter Serial . println ( counter ) ; // print the counter value on Serial monitor if ( counter > 250 ) { digitalWrite ( LED_BUILTIN , HIGH ) ; // if counter value greater than 250 then LED turn ON ...